The Student Conduct Committee

  1. Recognizing the right of students to be granted protection by the inclusion of due process in all matters of a disciplinary nature, the College assures due process through the action of the College Student Conduct Committee.
  2. The Student Conduct Committee has the dual function of safeguarding the rights of students and maintaining a climate of integrity and safety for all members of the College community. The purposes of the Student Conduct Committee are as follows:
    1. To hear complaints and evidence concerning alleged student misconduct and disciplinary action to be taken in cases appealed by students and referred to the Committee by the Vice President for Students.
    2. To review and make recommendations to the Vice President for Students on student disciplinary policies and procedures. 
  1. The Student Conduct Committee shall consist of two (2) students, six (6) faculty or staff members, and the Vice President for Students, who is chairperson.
  2. The two student members shall be chosen for one-year terms by the advisor of the Student Government Association.
  3. The six faculty/staff members who are appointed by the College President will serve one-year terms on the Student Conduct Committee. The Vice President for Students shall cast a vote only when necessary to break a tie. Any Student Conduct Committee member who has any personal interest in or special information concerning a case will be disqualified from the case; a replacement may be appointed to fill the vacancy. At no time shall the Student Conduct Committee meet without a quorum of its members present.
  4. The student Conduct Committee shall maintain an adequate record of the history and the disposition of each case to come before it. The record shall include a summary of the evidence upon which the Student Conduct Committee based its decision and the decision that was reached.