Student Activities and Organizations

Engagement in college life through clubs and organizations has a direct effect on the student’s total educational development. Student activities and organizations offered by the College present opportunities for students to participate in extra-curricular experiences not otherwise provided in the regular academic curriculum. College-sponsored activities are considered important complements to educational programs by encouraging the student to become personally involved in both self- and group-directed events which are meaningful and enriching to the education of the student.

All student activities and organizations are non-discriminatory in terms of membership and are in full compliance with all requirements imposed by Title VI, Title IX, and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended.

All extracurricular activities except athletics are under the direct control of the College. 

Procedures for forming a New Student Organization:

Any group of students desiring to form an organization must submit the appropriate form (available in the Enrollment Management Office of Lion Central) to the Vice President for Students and include the following items:

  1. A complete statement of the goals and purpose(s) of the organization and how those goals relate to the mission of the college.
  2. A name and potential initial membership list for the organization.
  3. The name(s) of WSCC faculty/staff who will serve as advisor(s).
  4. The organization will submit a formal constitution and by-laws to the Vice President for Students by the end of the first year of organization.
  5. Goals, objectives and plan should be included with the application. 

The form (petition) will be reviewed by the Vice President for Students. The organization, upon approval, will be given authorization to operate for one year.

Upon approval the organization agrees to abide by the following requirements:

  1. All officers must carry a minimum of 12 hours each semester and must not accumulate more than 64 hours. Students on probation may not hold offices within any organization. Officers will be elected from club members.
  2. Organizations that collect and expend money must operate through a club account established in the Business Office.
  3. At the end of one year of operation, the organization must submit a full and detailed report on its functions and operations to the Vice President for Students. After review of the report, the Vice President for Students will recommend to the President the continuation or discontinuation of the organization. If accepted for continuation by the President, the organization will be granted an official charter for continued operation on the WSCC campus.

Social fraternities and sororities are prohibited by Alabama Community College System Board of Trustees policy number 806.01.