Academic Misconduct

Certain types of inappropriate conduct are defined as “academic misconduct.” In an instance of academic misconduct, a student may:

  1. Be required to retake an examination, or resubmit an assignment, regarding which academic misconduct is determined by the instructor to have occurred;
  2. Receive an “F” on the given exam or assignment; or
  3. Receive an “F” for the course.

Whether or not academic misconduct occurred, and what classrooms sanctions, if any, are to be applied, are matters to be determined by the respective instructor. Any student who opposes the sanction imposed by an instructor may appeal the matter to the Vice President for Students through the Grade Appeal Process. Such an appeal must be filed by the end of the next class day following the date on which the sanction is imposed. Students who receive classroom sanctions for academic misconduct may also be subject to disciplinary action by the Vice President for Students if the misconduct also violates the Student Code of Conduct and is reported by the instructor for such disciplinary action.

Academic dishonesty is defined as the action or contribution to:

  1. Cheating on an exercise, test, or examination to meet course requirements for oneself or contributing to others. Cheating also includes the provision and/or use of unauthorized aids in any form.
  2. Plagiarism on an assignment paper, theme, report, or other material submitted to meet course requirements.

Plagiarism is defined as incorporating into one’s work the work of another without indicating the source from which the work was obtained.