Investigation Procedure

The Vice President for Students or President’s Designee, either personally or with the assistance of such other person(s) as the President may designate, shall conduct a factual investigation of the grievance allegations and shall research each applicable statute, regulation, and/or policy, if any. The Vice President for Students or President’s Designee shall determine, after completion of the investigation, whether or not there is substantial evidence to support the grievance. The factual findings in the investigation and the conclusion of the grievance officer shall be stated in the written report which shall be submitted to the Grievant and to the party or parties against whom the complaint was made (the “Respondent or Respondents”) and shall be made a part of the hearing record, if a hearing is requested by the Grievant. Each of the parties shall have the opportunity to file written objections to any of the factual findings, and, if there is a hearing, to make their objections part of the hearing records. Publications or verified photocopies containing relevant statutes, regulations, and policies shall also be prepared by the Vice President for Students or President’s Designee for the grievance record. If the Vice President for Students or President’s Designee finds the grievance is supported by substantial evidence, he or she shall make a recommendation in the report as to how the grievance should be resolved. Upon the receipt by the Grievant of the Vice President for Students or President’s Designee report, the Grievant and Respondent(s) shall have three business days to notify the Vice President for Students or President’s Designee whether or not the Grievant or Respondent(s) demand(s) a hearing on the grievance. The failure by the Grievant or Respondent(s), respectively, to request a hearing by the end of the third business day shall constitute a waiver of the opportunity for a hearing. However, the Vice President for Students or President’s Designee may, nevertheless, at his or her discretion, schedule a hearing on the grievance if to do so would appear to be in the best interest of the College. In the event that no hearing is to be conducted, the Vice President for Students or President’s Designee report shall be filed with the President, with a copy to be provided to the Grievant and each Respondent.