Health Information Technology - Revenue Cycle Management

The Health Information Technology (HIT) Program at WSCC is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Health Informatics and Information Management Education (CAHIIM). Only graduates of CAHIIM-accredited programs are eligible to take the national examination to become Registered Health Information Technicians (RHITs). Technicians trained in non-CAHIIM accredited programs or trained on the job are not eligible to take the examination. Wallace State Community College is one of only three CAHIIM-accredited programs in the State of Alabama.
Students have the opportunity to spend many hours in a simulation lab or a professional setting to practice skills obtained in the classroom. Students enrolled in professional practice experience (professional) courses are assigned hours consistent with day shift. Assignment for professional practice experience will be at the discretion of program officials, and students may be required to travel to different locations for the ‘hands-on’ training.
Revenue cycle management is the choice for students who have a great interest in the financial workings of facilities. Per AHIMA: “Revenue Cycle Management professionals are responsible for the management and oversight of all business, administrative and clinical functions that contribute to patient revenue from point of entry through payment and adjudication. This may include insurance processing, registration, eligibility, claims management, billing, collections, and denials.” The revenue cycle process begins when the patient makes an appointment or enters a facility in an emergency. For a facility to maintain operations, it is imperative that all steps in the revenue cycle management process are done completely and accurately to prevent disruption of claims reimbursement. A student with a revenue cycle management degree will possess knowledge and skills to excel in several occupations, including, but not limited to, medical coder (inpatient, outpatient, ER, physician), medical billing specialist, insurance claims auditor, coding auditor, coding supervisor, and coding manager.