Health Information Technology - Database Management

Students have the opportunity to spend many hours in a simulation lab or a professional setting to practice skills obtained in the classroom. Students enrolled in professional practice experience (professional) courses are assigned hours consistent with the day shift. Assignment for professional practice experience will be at the discretion of program officials, and students may be required to travel to different locations for the ‘hands-on’ training.
Data Management is the track of choice for students who have great analytical skills, attention to detail, and a great interest in data. This interest has a very broad range including helping patients learn to access their own healthcare data, helping patients to increase healthcare literacy, mining and analyzing large sets of data to discover industry patterns and information trends, and translating the data into usable information for everyone from providers to insurance carriers to promote and optimize patient care and safety, analyzing data for accuracy to help improve patient care, and, as always, helping to ensure compliance with HIPAA rules and regulations. Students with a data management degree will possess the knowledge and skills to excel in several occupations, including, but not limited to, birth record specialist, certified tumor registrar, HIM technician, HIM analyst, patient scheduler, health data analyst, health information technician, patient information coordinator, quality assurance coordinator, medical scribe, chief privacy officer, data quality analyst, HIM supervisor, HIM manager.
1st Semester
2nd Semester
3rd Semester
4th Semester
5th Semester
6th Semester
Students may choose Revenue Cycle Management Track and/or Data Analysis Track. CIS 117 required for Data Analysis Track only.