Americans with Disabilities Service


  1. All students must provide proper documentation to the ADA Office.  It cannot be just an IEP.  It should include diagnostic information used to create the IEP.  See “Documentation Guidelines.”

  2. Students need to complete an ADA application. Go to  Click on "New Student" to begin the application.

  3. Students must make an appointment with the ADA Director to discuss accommodations that may be utilized.  Students will sign the paperwork needed to complete the initial process.

  4. Student must complete an “Accommodation Request Form” that gives the Director permission to send accommodation letters.  This must be done every semester.

  5. Students notify their instructors that they will need to use their accommodations.  Students may contact the instructor in person or via email, but students are required to make the first step at the higher education level. 

Students who are seeking accommodations and services on the basis of a disability are required to submit documentation to verify their eligibility for services.  All students must provide proper documentation to the ADA Office.  It cannot be just an IEP.  It should include diagnostic information used to create the IEP.  Typically, a licensed psychologist, physician, or other appropriate professional provides the evaluation, diagnosis, and recommended accommodations in a detailed report.  The Director of Special Populations is responsible for determining the nature of an individual’s disability.  The Director of Special Populations maintains the right to reject documentation that does not verify a student’s disability or delineate reasonable accommodations.

Documentation accepted by the Director of Special Populations is valid as long as a student is continuously enrolled at the College.  However, if there is a break in the student’s enrollment, he/she may need to present updated documentation to receive services.  Disability-related information received to support requests for accommodations are treated as confidential and shared only on a need-to-know-basis.  The information may not be released to an outside third party without the written consent of the individual.

Accommodations Process

The Director of Special Populations meets individually with a student to discuss accommodations and assist the student in completing required forms.  The Director determines reasonable academic accommodations for a student, taking into consideration recommendations from the physician, psychologist or other professional who diagnosed the student’s disability.

Accommodations previously used in educational settings with the student will be taken into consideration.  Although some students may have similar diagnoses, each student is treated as an individual because accommodations must be tailored to individual needs.

The Director of Special Populations recommends reasonable accommodations by preparing a letter addressed to the instructor of each class for which the student requests accommodations.

An instructor is not obliged to provide accommodations to a student with a disability until he/she receives the Director of Special Populations’ accommodation letter concerning a student.  In addition, it is the student’s responsibility to discuss scheduling and details of the requested accommodations with his/her instructor(s).  If a student requests an accommodation letter to be sent within a few days of an assignment or exam, the instructor may not be able to provide the optimal accommodation requested.  It is highly suggested that students have accommodation letters sent by the first day of class each semester. 

Responsibility of the Student Each Semester

Once students have completed the process to establish accommodations, they will need to complete the following each semester:

  1. Students must complete an “Accommodation Request Form” from the ADA Office each semester.  Students may come by the ADA Office to complete the form or email the completed request form to

  2. Letters will be emailed to each instructor the student has listed on the “Accommodation Request Form.”  Letters include only accommodations that were approved by the student and the Director in the initial meeting.

  3. Students notify their instructors that they will need to use their accommodations.  You may contact the instructor in person or via email, but students are required to make the first initial step at the higher education level.  Any accommodations needed for testing needs to be decided at that point.  Students who wish to take exams in the ADA Office need to read the “Guidelines for Proctored Test in the ADA Office.”  A testing form must be completed so the student can be placed on the testing calendar.

  4. Students report any concerns about accommodations to the Director of Special Populations as soon as possible. 

Students with disabilities must maintain the same responsibility for their education as students who do not have disabilities. This includes maintaining the same academic levels, maintaining appropriate behavior and giving timely notification of any special needs. 

Conflict Resolution

Questions and concerns regarding accommodations and services for students who have a disability should be directed initially to the Director of Special Populations. 

At the beginning of each semester, students should have an accommodation letter sent to the instructor of each class that accommodations will be needed.  Students and instructors will discuss the requested accommodations.  This can be in-person or via email.   If an agreement cannot be reached, the student should consult with the Division Chair.  If an agreement is still not obtained, the student should contact the ADA Office to begin the steps in the conflict resolution process. 

  1. The Director of Special Populations meets with the Department Chair.  If an agreement is not reached with the student, he or she may submit an appeal, in writing, to the Vice President for Students within three (3) working days of the decision of the Department Chair.

  2. The Vice President for Students will review the student’s information, may conduct further investigation as needed, and will issue a written decision to the student within five (5) working days of receipt of the appeal.  If the student disagrees with the decision, the student may submit an appeal, in writing, to the President.