Academic Freedom Statement

Wallace State Community College subscribes to the following principles in regard to academic freedom:

In the development of knowledge, research endeavors, and creative activities, college faculty and students must be free to cultivate a spirit of inquiry and scholarly criticism. Faculty members are entitled to freedom in the classroom in discussing discipline related subjects. Faculty and students must be able to examine ideas in an atmosphere of freedom and confidence. At no time shall the principle of academic freedom prevent the institution from taking proper efforts to assure the best possible instruction for all students in accordance with the mission and objectives of the institution.

  1. The instructor is free to conduct independent research and to publish the results so long as such activity does not interfere with assigned academic duties; however, research for monetary gain should not be undertaken without approval of the appropriate college dean and president.
  2. In the classroom, the instructor has full freedom to discuss subjectmatter. The instructor should not introduce irrelevant, controversial matter in the instruction. Within this limitation, the College protects the rights of both the student and the instructor to a “free search for truth and its free exposition.”
  3. The College respects the rights and privileges of the instructors as citizens, but instructors’ positions impose special obligations. Hence, the instructors are free from institutional censorship or discipline when they speak, write, or act as citizens; however, instructors should always be mindful of the fact that the public may judge the College by their words, behavior, and use of social media including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. Instructors should, therefore, maintain accuracy, exercise restraint, respect the opinions of others, and make it clear that they are not spokespersons for the institution.