Transfer Programs

Wallace State Community College offers Associate in Arts and Associate in Science degrees in university parallel programs of study.  Universities vary in the nature and number of pre-professional requirements, which should be taken. During the freshman and sophomore years, students who have determined which profession or occupation they plan to enter should study the list of courses prescribed by the four-year school, which they plan to attend. It is the student’s responsibility to become familiar with the requirements of the four-year school. In addition, the students should consult with their WSCC success advisor and Alabama Transfers Guide.

Alabama Transfers is a computerized articulation-and-transfer planning system designed to inform students about degree requirements, course equivalents, and other transfer information pertaining to specific majors at each state-funded four-year institution. Once a student chooses a major and a place of transfer, an individualized guide and agreement can be created.  The Alabama Transfers website can be accessed at From there, students can print a transfer guide for his/her major and enter into a binding contract with the transfer institution in his/her program of study. The contract is not binding on the student but is binding on the transfer institution so long as the student does not change majors and takes the courses listed on the transfer guide. Information on Alabama Transfers  is available in the Center for Student Success/Advising Center or can be accessed from the WSCC web page,

Degree plans for most majors are found on the next few pages. The transfer institution’s catalog and/or web site provides specific transfer requirements in AREA I through AREA V. University-parallel programs may require modifications to meet the needs of some four-year institutions. Only a grade of C or higher transfers.

Alabama General Studies Committee (AGSC)

As a result of legislative action, course offerings at Alabama Community Colleges were evaluated, and their transfer equivalency to other state colleges and universities were determined by the Alabama General Studies Committee (AGSC). The AGSC divided the academic transfer courses taught at the community colleges into three separate groups according to their transfer status.

The Associate Degree requires completion of 60-64 semester hours. Courses that are common to all programs of study and to all institutions are designated as Common Core courses and further categorized as Code A courses. The Code A courses specify course requirements by number of semester hours and discipline (also known as AREA). The total number of semester hours of Common Core (Code A) courses required for all university parallel programs of study, except engineering, is 41 semester hours. The remaining 19-23 hours (designated as Code B, AREA V) consist of courses in the individual student’s major or minor fields of study or are necessary to meet pre-professional requirements as specified by the transfer institution.

The remaining potentially transferable courses that do not fall into either Code A or Code B are potential AREA V transfer courses but are subject to the approval of the respective receiving institutions. These courses are designated as Code C. Students who are pursuing 4-year degrees should follow the degree plan for their major. Degree plans for most majors are found on the next few pages. The transfer institution’s catalog and/or web site provides specific transfer requirements in AREA I through AREA V.

Alabama Transfers University Parallel Approved Common Core Courses

AREA I: Written Communications - 6
ENG 101 English Composition I
ENG 102 English Composition II
AREA II: Literature, Humanities and Fine Arts - 12
*Literature (3-6)
ENG 251 American Literature I
ENG 252 American Literature II or
ENG 261 English  Literature I
ENG 262 English Literature II or
ENG 271 World Literature I
ENG 272 World Literature II
Fine Arts (3)
ART 100 Art Appreciation
ART 203 Art History I
ART 204 Art History II
DNC 101 Dance Appreciation
MUS 101 Music Appreciation
THR 120 Theatre Appreciation
Additional Humanities (0-3)
HUM 101 Introduction to Humanities I
HUM 102 Introduction to Humanities II
IDS 102 Ethics
PHL 106 Introduction to Philosophy
PHL 206 Ethics and Society
REL 100 History of World Religions
REL 151 Survey of the Old Testament
REL 152 Survey of the New Testament
SPA 101 Introductory Spanish
SPA 106 Foundations of Oral Communication
AREA III: Natural Science and Mathematics - 11
Mathematics (3-4)
MTH 110 Finite Mathematics
MTH 112 Precalculus Algebra
MTH 113  Precalculus Trigonometry
MTH115 Precalculus Algebra and Trig
MTH120 Calculus and its Applications
MTH125 Calculus I
MTH265  Elementary Statistics
Natural Science (8)
BIO 103 Principles of Biology I
BIO 104 Principles of Biology II
CHM 104 Intro. to Inorganic Chemistry
CHM 105 Intro. to Organic Chemistry
CHM 111 College Chemistry I
CHM 112 College Chemistry II
GEO 101

Principles of Geology

GLY 101 Intro. to Geology I
GLY 102 Intro. to Geology II
PHS 111 Physical Science I
PHS 112 Physical Science II
PHY120 Introduction to Physics
PHY 201 General Physics I
PHY 202 General Physics II
PHY 213 General Physics w/ Calculus I
PHY 214 General Physics w/ Calculus II
AREA IV: History, Social, and Behavioral Sciences - 12
*History (3-6)
HIS 101  Western Civilization I
HIS 102 Western Civilization II
HIS 121 World History I
HIS 122 World History II or
HIS 201 United States History I
HIS 202 United States History II
**Additional History, Social and Behavioral Sciences (6-9)
ECO 231 Macroeconomics
ECO 232 Microeconomics
GEO 100 World Regional Geography
GEO 101 Principles of Physical Geography
POL 200 Introduction to Political Science
POL 211 American National Government
PSY 200 General Psychology
PSY 210 Human Growth and Development
SOC 200  Introduction to Sociology
SOC 210  Social Problems

*As a part of the General Studies Core Curriculum, students must complete a six-hour sequence in either literature or in history.

**No more than 6 hours of history my be taken for AREA IV.

AREA V: Major, Minor and Elective Courses - 19-23
Courses taken in AREA V are those that provide the student with the knowledge and experiences in his or her chosen major or area of concentration. The course requirements listed within AREA V of each program of study should be used as a guide and may vary depending upon the transfer institution. For guidance in the identification of the specific course requirements in the major or minor, the student should refer to the transfer institution’s catalog or web page. Also, the AGSC transfer guide (STARS Guide) for each public transfer institution in the State of Alabama is readily available on the web at and should be utilized.




Course Classification

Written Composition
ENG English 101 and 102
Humanities and Fine Arts
HUM Humanities
IDS Interdisciplinary Studies
PHL Philosophy
REL Religion
Fine Arts
MUL Music Ensemble
MUP Music Performance
MUS Music 
THR Theater




Dance Appreciation

ENG American, English, and World Literature
Natural Science and Mathematics
Natural Science
AST Astronomy
BIO Biology
CHM Chemistry


Computer Science (applies to A.A.S. degree only)
GEO Physical Geography
GLY Geology
PHS Physical Science
PHY Physics
MTH Mathematics
History, Social, and Behavioral Sciences
HIS U.S. History or Western Civilization
Social and Behavioral Sciences
ANT Anthropology
ECO Economics
GEO Geography
ORI Orientation (applies to A.A.S. Degree only)
POL Political Science
PSY Psychology
SOC Sociology


The Short-Term Certificate is a formal award that prepares students for positions in business/industry and/or provides a general education foundation for additional coursework or transfer.

Area I: Written Composition I & II 6 Credit Hours
Area II: Humanities and Fine Arts 3-9 Credit Hours
Area III: Natural Science and Mathematics 6-8 Credit Hours
Area IV: History, Social, and Behavioral Science 6-9 Credit Hours
Area V: Occupational/Career Electives 1-3 Credit Hours
Maximum Program Semester Credit Hours 29 Credit Hours

Distance Learning

Wallace State offers Distance Education courses, online, and hybrid courses that are available each semester and are offered in a variety of subject areas. All distance education courses and tuition rates are listed in the schedule each term.

Second Associate Degree

A student may earn a second associate degree by completing (in residence with an average grade of C or better) at least 15 semester hours of work over and above work done for the first degree, including a new major. The first degree must be based on at least 60-64 semester hours of fully accredited work. All requirements for the second degree major must be completed. Second-degree programs should be submitted to the appropriate Dean for approval in advance.




Associate in Applied Science